Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Increase Your PC's Experience Ratings in Windows Vista

1. Open up Windows Explorer & Browse to C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore.

2.Right Click on the most recently created XML file there & click on properties.

3.Click on the Security Tab & then on the Edit Button.

4.Click on Add & enter the user name that you log in using . click OK.

5.Select the entered ID & check the checkbox Full Control & click OK.

6. Click on YES for any confirmation Windows that may popup.Finally , click OK.

7. Open Wordpad from Start>All Program> Accessories> Wordpad.

8.Click on File>Open & Browse to C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore. Select All files as the type of files Using the drop down menu & select the XML file & Click OK.

9. Under the  section, Make changes to the scores given. These are the changes we made to strike the totally extraordinary scores.

10. Save the file & Restart the performance information & tools in the control panel.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Gmail Dot trick

What is the Gmail DOT Trick ?
See the following example

Suppose There is a Gmail account : Example@gmail.com
with password : abcd

You will get logged in to example@gmail.com If you use
email as : E.xample@gmail.com
password : abcd
email as : Ex.ample@gmail.com
password : abcd
email as : Exa.mple@gmail.com
password : abcd
email as : Exam.ple@gmail.com
password : abcd
email as : Examp.le@gmail.com
password : abcd
and so on..

That means gmail does not count periods (.)

So you can use this trick for using the same email for various GPT, PTC, Twitter accounts as they interpret all the above emails as different but gmail considers it the same.

Have fun making many accounts from your single Gmail account...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Change Computer's Processor Name

Hi Friends! An interesting trick !
You can change the processor name of your computer for anything you want to. This can be done just for fun or to boast yourself among your friends. Just follow these steps:
  1. Click ‘Start’
  2. Click ‘Run’ and then type ‘regedit’
  3. In the left panel of the registry editor, go to ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > HARDWARE > DESCRIPTION > SYSTEM > CENTRAL PROCESSOR
  4. Now in the right panel, right click on ‘Processor Name’ string and modify with anything you want to.  
Enjoy and do tell me if you have any problems....