Saturday, July 10, 2010

Make an empty file of any specified size

Hey friends I am back with yet another interesting post.Yes you read the topic right. You might be wondering how can an empty file have a size? Its like we are saying a massless object has a weight of 5kgs!! But this is computer world friends.Everything is possible here.And you always wondered as to why you end up downloading fake torrent files.How do people create Space-Eater Viruses? The solution to all these questions are here..

To make an empty file goto command prompt. Start>Run and type cmd. or Win+R. Once you are in the command prompt, type
fsutil file createnew <filename> <size in bytes>
to create a file name with a specific extension,type
fsutil file createnew <filename.extension> <size in bytes>

for example if u want to create a file called hello.txt of size 5 mb, first convert 5mb to bytes which will be 5*1024*1024 bytes.
So you need to type fsutil file createnew hello.txt 5242880.
 If you forgot to mention the extension you can always do that by typing ren hello hello.txt.

I suppose you have got an idea of Space Eater Virus. Try to make out how to make it on yourselves or wait for my next post and you will get your answers.I will show you how to do it.You also got an idea of fake files and how those dirty uploaders do it but dont do it yourselves while uploading torrents.

Hope you enjoyed the post!!Feel free to comment if you have any problems.
Note:Windows Vista and Windows 7 requires administrator privileges to use fsutil command so open cmd using administrator privileges. To do this go to Start>All Programs>Accesories>Command Prompt(right click >run as administrator)