1.Create shortcut,(Right click on your desktop and go to new>shortcut)
2.After this will appear window and that is where you type the code.
shutdown -s -t 300 -c "Your Message"
-this will shutdown the computer.To log of computer type shutdown -l -t 300 -c "your message"
To restart computer type shutdown -r -t 300 -c " your message"
The number after -t is the number of seconds countdown there will be before shutdown . After -c write own message , that will come up when shutdown box pops up.
3. Type the name for the shortcut and click on finish.
4. After this will appear icon on desktop, when someone clicks it, shutdown box will pop up.
5.How can I stop system shutdown ? Go to Start->Run , then open cmd,write shutdown -a and press ENTER on keyboard, as shown below.